The hurricane season is becoming increasingly unpredictable. Not to mention more severe. So, it is no wonder that homeowners are looking for ways to protect their properties and thus themselves and their families against this kind of extreme weather. And, whenever they start thinking about making certain upgrades for protection purposes, they realize that the windows are the most vulnerable parts of their homes, and that those are the ones that need to be replaced and strengthened.
The high-speed winds and the flying debris can quite easily damage and shatter the conventional windows, which is why homeowners are increasingly thinking about upgrading them to hurricane windows. If you are not sure that your particular windows could withstand such a powerful storm, then you may definitely want to think about replacing them as well. After all, if these parts of your home don’t withstand the hurricane, your entire property will be exposed to quite a lot of damage, and you and your whole family will be in danger.
Well, chances are that you understand just how important it is for you to make these types of upgrades to your property. What you may not be sure about, though, is why you should upgrade to hurricane windows specifically. And then, apart from that, you may also not know how to get the perfect products to replace your old ones with, which is another topic that we will discuss today. Covering both of those questions below, we hope to help you make up your mind on whether you want to get these products, as well as help you learn how to get the perfect ones for your home.
Why Get Hurricane Windows
Let us begin with the basics, and thus discuss the topic of why you should get hurricane windows in the first place. If you, for instance, pay a visit to Paradise Exteriors or similar places, what you will realize right away is that these products play quite a significant role in hurricane protection, but that they also come with some other kinds of benefits as well. Let us, therefore, quickly discuss why you should get these products for your property.
First of all, there is the fact that these windows are made with reinforced glass, which means that they are far less likely to break and shatter under the high winds and flying debris during hurricanes. As you may have guessed it, this results in the overall protection of your home and thus in maintaining its structural integrity. Clearly, this should be reason enough for you to replace your old windows and get these new ones.
But, as I’ve mentioned, there are other benefits to consider as well. For one thing, these are highly energy efficient. Thanks to the double panes, the insulation you’ll get from them will be amazing, meaning you will manage to maintain a consistent indoor temperature and consequently lower your energy bills. So, this is an upgrade that could lead to saving some money in the long-run.
Furthermore, these products will also help reduce external noise. In other words, your home will become much quieter if you install these. And, this is especially important in those high-traffic or generally busy areas, and for people that can’t stand the noise.
Another great thing you should know is that these products also block a large percentage of those harmful UV rays. As much as 99%, to be more precise. This means that your furniture and your flooring will be protected against their harmful effects, which will prevent fading.
Last, but not least, we cannot fail to mention that this can have quite a big impact on the overall value of your home. In the simplest words possible, they will increase the value of that property. Meaning, therefore, that you will be able to get a much better deal if you decide to sell the property, as well as more easily find buyers in today’s competitive market.
If you’re looking for more methods you can use to protect your home against hurricanes, this should help:
How to Replace Your Old Ones and Get These
Having read about the benefits of hurricane windows, and having decided that replacing your old ones with these could be the perfect idea, the next thing you want to do is figure out how to actually do this the right way. Well, as you may have guessed it, you won’t be doing it alone. The trick is, therefore, in finding the right company that will sell and install these for you, so that’s what you should focus on during the process. In short, that is your main task.
How can you do this, though? For starters, you can start by searching for these companies online, because most great ones understand the importance of online presence, which means that you’ll be able to find and visit their official websites, and check out what they have to offer. In addition to searching online, it would also be a good idea for you to talk to some of your neighbors in case they’ve had these windows installed already, as they could tell you about their specific experiences with the particular companies they’ve cooperated with, thus helping you get some ideas as to whether you should consider working with them as well, or not.
Of course, once you’ve gone through these two steps, and once you’ve created a list of potential companies that could provide you with the products you need, and with the installation services, you will need to check them all out in a bit more details. Start by assessing the quality of their windows, because you ultimately want to get great quality ones, so as to be sure that your home will be protected in case of those storms. But then, also remember to inspect the general reputation of the companies, through reading reviews, so as to finally hire those people who are known to be reliable and trustworthy. Finally, compare the costs of the products and the services they are offering, and then make your final choice, while taking all the mentioned factors into consideration.